How to access webmail directly from your browser

How to access webmail directly from your browser

To access webmail directly, without having to login to cPanel first, simply browse to:


where yourdomain is your cPanel account's primary domain or any parked domain.

Logging in

To login to webmail, enter your email address and the mailbox password as shown (NOT your cpanel username and password).

Choose your preferred webmail client

cPanel provides three different interfaces to your webmail, HordeRoundcube and SquirrelMail. They all do the same basic job, but have different features. They don't share information like address books etc. Just click on the package you would like to use. If you want to use the same package each time, you can click one of the Enable AutoLoad links (see next step).

Automatically loading the same webmail interface each time you login

Clicking Enable AutoLoad (from the screen above) will ask you to confirm the delay to wait before automatically logging you in next time. It's a good idea to set it to a few seconds, so you can still change your mind and use another interface if you want to. Click OK to confirm.

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